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제 15 호 What Is Monkeypox?

  • 작성일 2022-08-29
  • 좋아요 Like 0
  • 조회수 12751


What Is Monkeypox?

by Yeong-jin Choi, Editor


  Diseases, especially epidemics, are widely spreading all around the world in these days. Some people say that the end of the world is near as the Bible, Book of Revelation*, says that one of the four horsemen, “Plague” rides at the apocalypse. Have you ever heard of them, that COVID and Monkeypox spreading all around the world is because the damnation* is close? Of course, it is nothing but a superstition that people are being nervous without clear reasons, but it does seem odd that plagues are spreading worldwide altogether. In this article, therefore, I would like to focus on“Monkeypox” and deeply elaborate what kind of disease it is, how can we deal with it, how we can prevent it, what the current situation worldwide is, and to focus on the United States of America, which is well-known for their situation of suffering of the spreading of Monkeypox. I would also like to deal with the experts’ opinion of how the epidemic will be in the future.

*The Revelation: The final book of the New Testament; it is the only apocalyptic book in the New Testament canon

*Damnation: The act of sending someone to hell or the state of being in hell

What Monkeypox Is

  So, what exactly is the disease, Monkeypox? The disease is called monkeypox because it was first identified in colonies of monkeys kept for research in 1958. It was only later detected in humans in 1970. According to the website of the World Health Organization, the definition of Monkeypox is written that it is an illness caused by the monkeypox virus. It is a viral zoonotic* infection, meaning that it can spread from animals to humans. It can also spread from person to person. When monkeypox occurs, the symptom varies with a wide range between people. Some can have mild symptoms, and others could be highly risky.

*Zoonotic: Able to spread from animals to humans

The Symptoms of Monkeypox

  The most common symptoms of monkeypox include fever, headache, muscle aches, back pain, low energy, and swollen lymph* nodes*. This is followed or accompanied by the development of a rash* which can last for two to three weeks. The rash can be found on the face, palms of the hands, soles of the feet, eyes, mouth, throat, groin, and genitals* and/or anal regions of the body. Symptoms usually last two to three weeks and usually go away on their own or with supportive medical care, such as medication for pain or fever. The WHO suggests that anyone who has symptoms that could be monkeypox or who has been in contact with someone who has monkeypox should call or visit a health care provider and seek their advice.

*Lymph: A clear liquid that transports useful substances around the body, and carries waste matter, such as unwanted bacteria, away from body tissue in order to prevent infection

*Node: A very small mass of tissue in the body

*Rash: A lot of small red spots on the skin

*Genital: Connected with the outer sexual organs

The Way to Protect Oneself from the Disease

  It is pretty apparent that monkeypox can cause a lot of trouble. Some people might wonder how to protect oneself and others against monkeypox. The easiest way to prevent catching the disease is to limit close contact with people who have suspected or confirmed monkeypox, or with animals who could be infected. Since monkeypox can also spread to others by close contact, especially sexual contact, people should be aware of the disease in their area and have conversations with those they encounter with physically with about any symptoms they can have.

Social Distancing to Prevent Monkeypox

The Differences with COVID and Monkeypox

  As monkeypox causes fever, headache, and low energy, it can easily be mistaken with COVID. However, because of the major differences between monkeypox and COVID, experts consider that monkeypox is a much less serious threat than COVID for these reasons: Monkeypox does not spread easily, infected people are easier to identify, outbreaks are easier to contain, and the fact that there are two vaccines that are effective against monkeypox.

Countries That Are Suffering from Monkeypox

  Luckily, South Korea is not currently under a risk of monkeypox compared to other countries that are hardly fighting against it. Since monkeypox has occurred previously and people from the countries that the virus has been typically found before could gain immunity, the outbreak of the disease is currently underway in places like in Europe, the Americas, Africa, the Western Pacific, and countries of the Eastern Mediterranean, where the countries haven’t severely experienced the disease back in the past. Monkeypox has been reported in some African countries in the years before this outbreak began. These include Cameroon, the Central African Republic, the Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Gabon, Liberia, Nigeria, and Sierra Leone as well.

Experts’ Expectations on the Disease

  Experts’ opinions on monkeypox differ, though. Some say that it should end, but others tell that it is unclear whether monkeypox will end or become endemic at this time. Smith also says that vigilance*, identification of infected individuals, and prevention or treatment are drivers of reducing the spread of this virus. Narasimhan, another expert, claims that it is too early to say at this time. He also says that much will depend upon their ability to ramp up* testing, treatment, and vaccination.

*Vigilance: More careful attention, especially in order to notice possible danger

*Ramp up: To increase the speed, power, or cost of something

  It is not odd that people are very worried about the current situation as a new disease is spreading all around the world even before COVID has deceased. However, what is important is that we should know what kind ofdisease it is and to be prepared to prevent it to lessen the weight of our worries. I most sincerely hope that people will keep taking care of themselves without naively thinking that everything would be alright without any evidence.



